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研途情报站 | 学术信息汇总(11.17)

作者: 访问量:445发布时间:2023-11-17

报告题目:Nanoscale manufacturing research for societal


报告人:Prof.Saurav Goel






报告题目:Nano core-shell based multifunctional coatings

报告人:Assoc.Prof.Jaya Verma






报告题目:A Key Success to develop an advanced forming processes

报告人:Yingyot Aue-u-lan 副教授





报告题目:Automotive Crash Simulation and Safety Assessment

报告人:Chen chin chun 研究员






报告题目:Triboteseting on erosive wear situations

报告人:Peerawatt Nunthavarawong 副教授




报告题目:A study on the design of precision power transmission elements

报告人:Sungki Lyu 教授





报告人:朱剑英 教授





报告题目:A taxonomic review of metaheuristic algorithms for solving the vehicle routing problem and its variants


报告人:Raafat Elshaer(King Kalid University)

报告时间:2023年11月20日 14:30-15:30



The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is one of the most attractive topics in operation research, communications, manufacturing, transportation, distribution, and logistics. It is of paramount importance for thousands of companies and organizations engaged in the delivery and collection of goods or people. The VRP is an NP-hard problem and furthermore its real-life VRP applications are considerably larger in scale. Metaheuristics represent a core research field in combinatorial optimization. Therefore, metaheuristics are often more suitable for practical applications. The main objective of this lecture is to present the contribution of each metaheuristic in solving the problem and its variants. The contribution is measured based on the percentage of usage of a particular method or algorithm. In addition, the problem attributes usages are also investigated. Due to limited time the performance of the surveyed metaheuristics in solving the problem is not considered. Based on a metaheuristic classification, 299 VRP articles published between 2009 and 2017 are used in the analysis. The results are analyzed to reveal the usage trends of the algorithms and the solved VRP variants for showing the ones that are most popular, and those that are promising topics for future research.


Raafat Elshaer is a professor in Industrial Engineering Department, College of Engineering, King Kalid University; Abha, Suadi Arabia. He received his B.S. degree in Production Engineering from Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Egypt in 1996, M.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering from Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Egypt in 2004, and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University in 2009 as a joint program between Zagazig University and Rutgers University, USA. He has published many journals and conference papers. His research interests include optimization, scheduling, project management, earned value management and others.


报告题目:Air Travel Choice, Online Meeting and Passenger Heterogeneity - What shall be done for the aviation industry?


报告人:Xiaowen Fu(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

报告时间:2023年11月20日 10:00-12:00

报告地点:腾讯会议 687 593 742


This study empirically identifies business travellers’ preferences during the COVID-19 pandemic across different regions. A stated preference study was conducted during April to June 2021 on respondents in the U.S., the city of Shanghai in mainland China and Hong Kong. Generalised mixed multinomial logit (GMXL) models are estimated incorporating attributes of travel characteristics, severity levels of the pandemic, and health control measures at the airport. When an online meeting is inapplicable, respondents from Shanghai and Hong Kong highly value heath control measures, and are not sensitive to the time spent at airport health checkpoints. In comparison, U.S. respondents are averse to the time spent for health check, the reporting of personal information, travel history, symptoms, and the requirements of compulsory mask wearing and onsite sample testing. However, when online meeting is applicable, all the respondents show no appreciation for health control measures, while the U.S. respondents are twice more averse to the time spent at airport health checkpoints. Online meeting reduces the intention of international business travel amid the pandemic for passengers in Shanghai and Hong Kong, but imposes no significant effects on U.S. travellers. Such significant heterogeneity in traveller preference partly explains the different recovery patterns observed in various aviation markets, and justifies individualized travel arrangements and service priority in fulfilling pandemic control requirements across different regions. Our study also suggests that there are commonly accepted areas for global cooperation such as the sharing of vaccination record, and the option of online meeting calls for convenient travel arrangements amid pandemic to all countries.


Professor Xiaowen Fu is the Head of Department and Professor in Engineering Management at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His main research area is transport economics and management, which cover issues such as competition policy and government regulation, international aviation liberalization, efficiency benchmarking, transport demand modelling and industrial organization. He has been the principal investigator of more than 20 research grants, the guest editor of 7 journal special issues, and the author of more than 100 journal articles. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Case Studies on Transport Policy, associate editor of the book series “Advances in Airlines Economics”. Prof. Fu has provided advisory and economic modeling services to organizations such as the Boeing Commercial Aircraft, New Zealand Commerce Commission, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Government of British Columbia in Canada, Australian Competition Tribunal, Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department, Hong Kong Transport and Housing Bureau, Greater Bay Airlines, Japan Rail (East), and OECD. He is the director of the Behavior and Knowledge Engineering Research Center, Vice President (Research) of the Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), Vice President (Research) of the Institute for Aviation (UK), founding chair of the Maritime Economy and Policy stream of the World Transport Convention, member of the Technical and Statistical Task Team on the Productive Capacities Index under the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and an honorary professor of the University of Sydney Business School.


报告题目:Design of novel physical states in electronic circuits


报告时间:2023年11月23日 10:00-12:00


