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研途情报站 | 学术信息汇总(12.16)

作者: 访问量:1559发布时间:2022-12-16

报告题目:Revisiting optimal insurance design under smooth ambiguity aversion


报告人:Richard Peter(University of Iowa)

报告时间:2022年12月16日 18:00-21:00

报告地点:Zoom ID: 927 0377 2725


We analyze optimal insurance design for a risk- and ambiguity-averse policyholder who is uncertain about the distribution of losses and faces linear transaction costs. We use smooth ambiguity preferences, a flexible ambiguity structure, and focus on indemnity schedules that satisfy the principle of indemnity and the no-sabotage condition for incentive compatibility. We characterize optimal insurance contracts and find that the marginal indemnity is either zero or one except at critical points. We then provide a condition for a straight deductible to be optimal and show that this condition is satisfied under various stochastic ordering assumptions on the priors. We discuss specific ambiguity structures, some of which give rise to indemnities with multiple layers. We also derive compara- tive statics. Greater ambiguity aversion always raises insurance demand whereas greater ambiguity has indeterminate effects. For policyholders with relative ambiguity prudence between zero and two, greater ambiguity raises insurance demand.


Richard Peter is a TriStar Research Fellow and Associate Professor of Finance at the Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa. Peter received his Ph.D. in business from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich in 2013. His research interests include the risk and uncertainty theory and how it improves our understanding of risk management and insurance behavior. He uses mainly applied microeconomic theory to answer descriptive and normative questions in risk and insurance economics. He has worked on topics such as genetic testing, prevention and precaution, saving over the life cycle, and the link between preferences, uncertainty and behavior. He obtains some awards & honors including Ernst-Meyer Prize-The Geneva Association(2013), Young Economist Best Paper Award-SCOR & European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists(2020). His work has appeared in Management Science, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Operations Research, Economic Theory, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty etc.




报告时间:2022年12月21日 14:30-18:00





殷允强,电子科技大学经济与管理学院教授、博士生导师,国家万人计划青年拔尖人才,四川省杰青。主要从事智能决策与优化、生产与物流运作管理等方面的研究。在NRL、EJOR、TRE、Omega、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics等国际期刊发表SCI论文多篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,国家社科重大项目1项(子课题负责人)。2014-2021连续8年入选Elsevier 中国高被引学者榜单。现任中国管理科学与工程学会理事、中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会智能决策与博弈分会秘书长、中国双法研究会船海经济管理专业委员会副理事长、中国运筹学会排序专业委员会常务事长。

报告题目:Managing The Personalized Order-Holding Problem in Online Retailing



报告时间:2022年12月20日 9:30-12:00



A significant percentage of online consumers place consecutive orders within a short duration. To reduce the total order arrangement cost, an online retailer may consolidate consecutive orders from the same consumer. We investigate how long the retailer should hold the consumer’s orders before sending them to a third-party logistics provider (3PL) for processing. In this order-holding problem, we optimize the holding time to balance the total order arrangement cost and the potential delay in delivery. We show that the optimal order-holding decisions follow a threshold-type policy that is straightforward to implement: Hold any pending orders if the holding time is within a threshold, or send them to the 3PL otherwise. We find that the threshold is higher for “plus” consumers, female consumers, and consumers in the age group of 16-25. The threshold for tier-1 cities is lower than that for tier-2 to tier-4 cities but higher than that for tier-5 cities.


林云峰,新加坡管理大学(SMU)李光前商学院运营管理学副教授,新加坡管理大学管理硕士(MiM)项目的学术主任,于美国佐治亚理工学院获工业与系统工程博士和硕士学位。现任长江学者讲座教授,MPA研究员、李光前研究员和NOL研究员;兼任《Production and Operations Management》和《Naval Research Logistics》期刊的副编辑。研究方向包括电子商务和市场分析、在线平台、仓储论、可持续城市物流、灵活劳动力和资源管理;曾在《Operations Research》、《Management Science》、《Manufacturing and Service Operations Management》和《Production and Operations Management》上发表多篇高质量论文。林教授在新加坡管理大学讲授运营管理的本科和研究生课程,曾荣获大学优秀教学创新教师奖;也曾为阿里巴巴、马士基、麦克马斯特-卡尔公司、圣淘沙名胜世界、施耐德电气、淡马锡控股和Zalora等公司提供咨询服务。

报告题目:Data-Driven Markov Decision Processes with Parameter Uncertainty: Application to Remanufacturing Planning


报告人:向一莎(美国休斯敦大学(University of Houston))

报告时间:2022年12月21日 10:00-11:30

报告地点:腾讯会议: 283-848-502


We consider the problem of remanufacturing planning with the objective of minimizing the negative environmental impacts while sustaining profitable growth. Determining the optimal remanufacturing timing, first and foremost, requires modeling of the state transitions of a system. The estimation of these probabilities, however, often suffers from data inadequacy and is far from accurate, resulting in serious degradation in performance. To mitigate the impacts of the uncertainty in transition probabilities, we develop a novel data-driven modeling framework for remanufacturing planning in which decision makers can remain robust with respect to statistical estimation errors. We model the remanufacturing planning problem as a robust Markov decision process, and construct ambiguity sets that contain the true transition probability distributions with certainty using historical data. We further establish structural properties of optimal robust policies and insights for remanufacturing planning. A computational study on the NASA turbofan engine shows that our data-driven decision framework consistently yields better worst-case performances and higher reliability of the performance guarantee.


Dr. Yisha Xiang is the associate professor of Industrial Engineering at the University of Houston. Her current research and teaching interests involves data-driven decision-making under uncertainty and statistical machine learning. Her research has been funded by National Science Foundation, including a CAREER grant, and industry. She has published articles in refereed journals, such as INFORMS journal on computing, IISE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, and Naval Research Logistics. She was the recipient of the P.K. McElroy award, Stan Oftshun award, and Doug Ogden award for best papers at the Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. Dr. Xiang received her B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Nanjing University of Aero. & Astro., China, and M.S and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from University of Arkansas. She serves as an Associate Editor for IISE Transactions and IEEE Transactions Automation Science and Engineering. She also currently serves as the Chair-elect of the INFORMS Quality, Statistics, and Reliability Sector, and President-elect of the IISE Quality Control and Reliability Engineering Division. She is a member of IISE and INFORMS.

报告题目:Cost Metafrontiers are Nonconvex in the Outputs since the Metafrontier is Nonconvex: The Price of a Convexification Strategy


报告人:Kristiaan KERSTENS(IESEG管理学院)

报告时间:2022年12月21日 17:00-21:00

报告地点:腾讯会议: 916-647-052


Metafrontier analysis is widely used to account for technological heterogeneity among producers. The approach involves combining a number of group-specific production possibilities sets to form a production possibilities metaset. Even though the union of the group sets normally results in a nonconvex metaset, most authors proceed as if the metaset is convex. Kerstens, O'Donnell and Van de Woestyne (2019) obtain new results on the union operator on sets under various assumptions. They then use a production context to empirically illustrate that the popular convexification strategy is highly questionable. In this paper we transpose their results on the union operator from a production context to a cost context: this is new. We then explore the extent to which a convexification strategy is tenable when estimating a cost metafrontier. We use a secondary data set to illustrate the main issues. We establish that the convexification strategy leads to potentially-biased estimates of the cost metafrontier and associated measures of efficiency.


Kristiaan KERSTENS is the Director of research (research professor) at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS), and also a Professor of Economics at IESEG School of Management. His research focuses on efficiency measurement (benchmarking) of private and public sector organizations, productivity indices and indicators, and portfolio optimization with higher moments. His work has been published in leading international journals, including Operations Research, Management Science, European Journal of Operational Research, Economic Theory, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Banking and Finance, etc. He also serves as the Associate Editor for several international refereed journals including Journal of Productivity Analysis.




报告时间:2022年12月16日 14:00-16:00









报告时间:2022年12月16日 10:00-12:30





林平,山东大学经济学院院长、讲席教授、竞争政策研究中心主任,主持国家自然科学基金重大项目《数字经济反垄断理论与政策研究》(1200万)等多项。美国明尼苏达大学经济学博士,中国经济体制改革研究会理事,中国工业经济学会竞争政策专业委员会顾问。曾任国际竞争网络(ICN)香港非政府顾问,香港行政上诉委员会委员和香港电讯行业竞争上诉委员会委员(香港特首任命),香港经济学会会长,香港政府研究资助委员会评审组专家。在Journal of Economic Theory,International Economic Review,Journal of Financial Economics,Journal of International Economics,Journal of Development Economics, 《管理世界》等经济学和管理学一流期刊上发表论文100余篇;编写(香港)教材多部,合作主持译著4部,曾为《国际反托拉斯经济学手册》撰写中国部分和负责协调日本部分(2014),入选“中国高被引学者”榜单等;为国家市场监督管理总局反垄断局、香港竞争事务委员会、和亚洲发展银行等机构长期进行反垄断咨询工作和竞争政策研究。
