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研途情报站 | 学术信息汇总(04.01)

作者: 访问量:1269发布时间:2022-04-01


报 告 人:何炳生 教授(南京大学)

报告时间:2022年3月31日上午 09:00-11:00

报告地点:腾讯会议 会议号:801 121 556


报告题目:Synthetic Control Methods for Policy Analysis: Evaluating the Effect of the European Emission Trading System on Aviation Supply



报告时间:2022年4月12日 10:00


报告摘要:In this paper, we provide a novel application of synthetic control methods by offering two major tweaks to the existing methodological framework. We provide the first complete ex-post evaluation of the causal impact of carbon pricing on aviation supply, expressed in terms of airline output (i.e., number of seats supplied at the airline-route level). We exploit the policy change in the European Union Emission Trading System (EU-ETS), the first large greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme in the world. We distinguish between low-cost, regional and full service airlines, short and medium/long-haul routes, routes towards (or from) hub airports versus non hub airports, monopolistic versus non-monopolistic routes. The analysis shows that the EU-ETS does not have a substantial impact on the average aircraft size, while it has caused a reduction of total airline seat capacity and frequency, with the percentage of airline seat capacity reduction reaching above 20% at its peak. The overall effect of the policy has a remarkable impact on low-cost and regional airlines, on short- haul routes, spoke-spoke markets and monopolistic routes. Our results are the first empirical confirmation to the theoretical prediction in the aviation literature that emission charges will reduce flight frequency and increase load factors while having no effect on aircraft size.


蒋昌敏,对外经济贸易大学教授,博士生导师,中国交通运输经济研究中心主任,国家级人才项目入选者,曾在加拿大U15联盟的曼尼托巴大学获得终身副教授职称。主要研究领域为交通运输经济与政策。至今已经正式发表2本著作和43篇被SCI/SSCI收录的高质量期刊论文,包括11篇交通运输领域国际顶级期刊Transportation Research Part B。担任交通运输领域国际知名期刊Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part D以及Transport Policy等客座编辑及/或编委。主持加拿大“社会科学与人文研究委员会基金(SSHRC)”三项,主持“国家自然科学青年基金”一项,参与“国家社科重大项目”等基金项目多项。研究成果被广泛引用及认可,共被国内外学者Google Scholar引用超过1000次,曾被SSCI期刊Transport Policy及Journal of Air Transport Management的论文经过严格学术方法论证后获评“高铁相关研究全球成果最丰盛的十位学者”及“机场容量管理相关研究全球最巨影响力的十五篇学术论文”等荣誉。获得大量学术研究奖励,包括加拿大曼尼托巴省最高研究奖Falconer Emerging Researcher Rh Award for Outstanding Contributions to Scholarship and Research,以及International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA) Annual Conference, Air Transport Research Society (ATRS)World Conference,International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference等高级别国际学术大会的最佳论文奖。

报告题目:Fast or Slow: How Temporal Work Design Shapes Experienced Passage of Time and Job Performance



报告时间:2022年4月14日 16:00-18:00



Experienced passage of time, the extent to which employees perceive the passage of work time as being fast or slow, is a fundamental aspect of work experience. We identify two novel temporal work design characteristics that can speed up employees’ experienced passage of time: temporal predictability and task segmentation. Jobs with high temporal predictability do not make employees go through uncertain wait times before embarking on their next task. High task segmentation occurs when a large chunk of work time is segmented by categorically different temporal markers. We tested a model in which temporal predictability and task segmentation affect experienced passage of time, which in turn influences job performance, with five studies: two experiments that established the internal validity of temporal predictability and task segmentation (Studies 1a and 1b), a naturalistic field study in a factory that investigated the natural consequences of distinct temporal work design (Study 2), an organizational field study that constructively replicated the model using a sample of knowledge workers and their supervisors (Study 3), and an online survey in which we connected our model with the broader work design literature (Study 4). Altogether, the studies support a new temporal approach to work design.


Hong Deng is a professor at Durham University. Her research interests include self-regulation at work, organizational justice, person-organization-job fit, and work design. Hong’s work has been published at leading academic journals in the field such as at Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychological, and Journal of Management.

报告题目:Academic Writing for Engineering Publications: Guide for Non-native English Speakers


报告人:Zhongchao Tan (谭忠超)(加拿大滑铁卢大学)

报告时间:2022年5月5日 20:00

报告地点:腾讯会议 会议号518-6708-5111


Writing is a complex task that requires training and practice of many techniques, such as organizing ideas logically, constructing sentences and paragraphs coherently, presenting with appropriate tones, formatting in a stylish manner, and executing in an ethical and professional way. Written communication reveals our intelligence of thinking, ability of using words, level of education, and so forth. Good writers are usually creative people with brilliant ideas, which can help capable writers excel in their career development. Writing skills are important to students’ employability and career advancement. This workshop trains students in writing with clarity and conciseness. Course materials will be presented following writing sequence. It begins with preparation and outline, continues with drafting and revision, and ends with formatting and proofreading.


Zhongchao Tan (谭忠超),加拿大滑铁卢大学机械与机电工程系教授,,加拿大机械工程师学会会士(FCSME)、加拿大化学工程师学会(CSChE)等众多组织成员,担任《Sustainable Environment Research》和《Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering》副主编。分别于1996年和1999年在清华大学获本科与硕士学位,后于2004年在美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校获博士学位。研究领域为绿色能源和清洁环境的过滤和分离技术,发表著作5部,各种学术论文160余篇,已指导硕士、博士研究生和博士后50余名。其专著《Academic Writing for Engineering Publications》在2020年5月27日发行后,一度在Kindle Store技术思维与写作书籍类别中名列Amazon.ca排行榜第一。作为加拿大华裔,在美国和加拿大学习和工作了23年之久,非常了解东西方语言和文化的差异。
