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研途情报站 | 学术信息汇总(11.26)

作者: 访问量:855发布时间:2021-11-26


报告人:盛汉霖 副教授

报告时间:11月25日 14:00

报告地点:腾讯会议 会议号:376340806



报告人:贺振宗 副教授

报告时间:11月26日 14:00





报告时间:11月27日 14:30



报告题目:结构适航性airworthiness of structures

报告人:Kai-Uwe Schröder




报告题目:Novel Bayesian Approaches for Variable Selection in Quantile Regression Models


报告人:Min Wang(美国德州大学圣安东尼奥分校)

报告时间:2021年11月29日 09:00-10:30

报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:284 629 215


Asymmetric Laplace (AL) specification has become one of the ideal statistical models for Bayesian quantile regression, as it not only offers fast convergence of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), but also guarantees posterior consistency under model misspecification. However, variable selection under such a specification is a daunting task because, realistically, prior specification of regression parameters should take the quantile levels into consideration. In this talk, we first develop a novel three-stage computational scheme for the recent proposed quantile-specific g-prior, which starts with an expectation-maximization algorithm, followed by Gibbs sampler and ends with an importance re-weighting step that improves the accuracy of approximation. We then consider the problems of parameter estimation and variable selection in Bayesian hierarchical quantile regression model in high-dimensional settings, in which the model dimension could greatly exceed the sample size. An efficient sampling algorithm based on Gibbs sampler and Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to draw samples from the full conditional posterior distributions to make posterior inference. Finally, the performance of the proposed methods is examined through simulation studies and real-data applications.


汪敏,美国德州大学圣安东尼奥分校 (University of Texas at San Antonio) 商学院管理科学与统计系副教授(获终身教职),博士生导师。2010年5月于美国克莱姆森大学(Clemson University)获得统计硕士学位;2013年5月于克莱姆森大学大学获得统计博士学位。2013年8月- 2017年12月在美国密歇根理工大学数学科学系工作和在2017年8月破格提前提升为副教授并获得终身任期教授资格;现在在德州大学圣安东尼奥分校从事教学科研工作。近年来,先后参与和主持了美国自然科学基金委(NSF),密歇根交通部,以及美国卫生院(NIH)的研究课题。其研究成果已发表在IISE Transactions, Naval Research Logistics, International Journal of Production Research, Bayesian Analysis, Computer & Industrial Engineering, The American Statistician, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis等国际权威期刊。主要研究方向包括贝叶斯统计;计算统计;统计推断;质量和可靠性工程研究;高维数据分析和统计应用。

报告题目:The fascination of precision engineering and how it has driven my professional career

报告人:Prof.Ekkard brinksmeier


报告地点:机电学院6-201 ZOOM ID:869 8357 2958 密码:138400


报告题目:Multivariate Stochastic Dominance with Respect to the Reference Function Rule


报告人:Jingyuan Li(Lingnan University, Hongkong)

报告时间:2021年12月1日 19:00-21:00

报告地点:腾讯会议:480 226 110


The well-known dual nature between the mean-utility-preserving increase in spread and Arrow-Pratt risk aversion analysis has been widely studied and applied since its introduction by Diamond and Stiglitz. We provide a multivariate generalization of this duality by means of multivariate stochastic dominance with respect to the reference function rule and use it to analyze some finance and economic problems including group risk aversion etc.


Jingyuan Li is a Professor and Head in the Department of Finance and Insurance, Lingnan University, Hong Kong. He obtained his doctoral degree from Texas A&M University (2004). He was the associate editor for Journal of Risk and Insurance. His research focuses on theory of risk management and insurance. He has published articles in Journals: Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Economics Letters, Journal of Macroeconomics and Journal of Economics etc.

报告题目:International cooperation to face the climate emergency


报告人:Daniel M. Kammen(University of California, Berkeley)

报告时间:2021年12月2日 10:00-12:00

报告地点:腾讯会议:380 660 540


We are facing the climate emergency. The need to rapidly (and sustainably) decarbonize both on-grid and off-grid communities, cities, agriculture and industries is where we can directly implement climate solutions that also lead to social justice. Specific policies and projects are needed to accelerate this transition, and in many places it is partnerships between companies, and public-private partnerships to bring energy storage, electric vehicles, Hydrogen-based green power, etc … rapidly into commercial operation.


Dr. Kammen is the James and Katherine Lau Distinguished Professor of Sustainability, at the University of California, Berkeley, with parallel appointments in the Energy and Resources Group, the Goldman School of Public Policy, and the Department of Nuclear Engineering. He was appointed the first Environment and Climate Partnership for the Americas (ECPA) Fellow by Secretary of State Hilary R. Clinton in April 2010. Currently he is serving as the Senior Advisor for Energy Innovation, USAID.

Kammen is the founding director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL), Co-Director of the Berkeley Institute of the Environment, and Director of the Transportation Sustainability Research Center. He has founded or is on the board of over 10 companies, and has served the State of California and US federal government in expert and advisory capacities.
